P.o.E.M.M. The Album collects together the work of the Poetry for Excitable [Mobile] Media project. At the beginning of the project I had no idea that I would end up here. But when I began live performances based on the P.o.E.M.M. works, I found myself thinking ever-more obsessively about the tight coupling of form and content found in powerful pop songs. I realized that the eight works from the project--always meant to be a series--were much like an album, cohering around a set of texts and interactive visualizations that worried recursively and fractally on common themes and obsessions while exploring a related set of formal concerns.
The texts can be read on their own, but the words themselves are only the scaffolding upon which the full work is built. I suggest you download the apps to get that fuller experience, or watch the videos on the website to approximate it. Absorb one work at a time, or sit down and work your way through all eight in one sitting. Enjoy the album artwork. Sing along.
Robert Frost wrote, “Poetry begins with a lump in the throat”. All of the P.o.E.M.M. works began similarly, with a lump in the throat, a skip of the heart, an epiphany of thought. Enjoy.
You can download the .pdf here.